NU Enjoys Power Connections

16 Nov

Sent to us by an NP Opposition Friend along with some comments which we will share:

“This story features, among others, Greg Butler the Senior VP of Northeast Utilities who also is an executive of Northern Pass. Mr. Butler gets paid $3.5 million per year to, among other things; supervise the army of lobbyists throughout New England and to decide where the NU PAC money gets sent. Ratepayers need to see where there money is going and what it is buying. Even though Butler is a Republican, he was also one of two transition team leaders for the successful campaign of CT Democratic Governor Daniel Malloy. It is not a case of politics having strange bed fellows. It is a case of the public and the ratepayers being molested–repeatedly–by serial offenders.

“Unfortunately, Lender missed the opportunity to make his story even bigger by going into the NH political connections of PSNH and NU. . . “

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Posted by on November 16, 2011 in Uncategorized


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